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Abdomen (Erect and Supine)

X-ray of the abdomen erect and supine images are taken.

5 min
200 East Caribbean dollars
Location 1

Service Description

Abdominal X-rays are primarily employed to diagnose suspected causes of abdominal pain. The pain could be caused by abnormal masses such as Intra-abdominal mass (neoplasms - benign or malignant), blockages, Ascites (Abnormal fluid accumulation in the abdomen), or Perforated hollow viscus (such as bowel or stomach, evident by free intraperitoneal air). These X-rays are used in conjunction with abdominal CT scans and renal or kidney tests to observe the GI tract or urinary tract. Suppose information regarding the size, shape, and position of abdominal organs is required. In that case, it can be observed on the abdominal radiograph. You may also see gallstones, kidneys, and ureters. In some instances, calcification of the aorta may also be observed with an abdominal X-ray. An X-ray may also be used to diagnose suspected peptic ulcer perforation and bowel obstruction. Still, there may be other reasons for your physician to recommend an abdominal X-ray. If the patient cannot tolerate an upright position, technicians may change their position to a more comfortable one.

Contact Details

  • 5Q4H+5HX, Kingstown, St Vincent and the Grenadines

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